Services."We have a moral duty to remove the barriers to participation, and to invest sufficient funding and expertise to unlock the vast potential of people with disabilities." Stephen Hawking
Services."We have a moral duty to remove the barriers to participation, and to invest sufficient funding and expertise to unlock the vast potential of people with disabilities." Stephen Hawking
We help assist individuals achieve and maintain goals to become an independent and successful member of our community.
Office of Developmental Programs -Intellectual Disability Waiver, B of Autism Services - Autism Waiver & Office of Vocational Rehabilitation - Supportive Employment & School Based Pre-Employment Transition Services.
Proudly servicing Cambria, Bedford/Somerset and surrounding counties adults living with Intellectual Disablities since 2013!
Home and Community services are delivered in face to face and direct methods. These supports are delivered in home and community settings with the intention of assisting individuals to acquire, maintain and improve self-help, domestic, socialization and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in home and community based settings. Services may also be provided in support of gaining skills in the areas of self-care, communication, fine and gross motor skills, mobility, personal adjustment, relationship development, socialization, and use of community resources. Transportation will be included throughout the delivery of this service by the provider. CrossRoads provides enhanced and non-enhanced programs in multiple staff to individual ratios.
Companion care services are providing supervision and assistance that is focused solely on the health and safety of the adult with an intellectual disability. This service is provided to an individual when there is no identified outcome for learning, enhancing or maintaining a skill. The service is used to supervise individuals during recreational, social or non-habilitative activities to ensure the individuals safety. CrossRoads to Independence provides only 1:1 companion care services.
Community Participation Supports (CPS) provide opportunities and support for community inclusion and building interests in and developing skills and potential for competitive integrated employment. CPS provides appropriate supports to the client empowering the individual to: experience a broad range of integrated activities that build on the participants interest, preferences, gifts and strengths while reflecting his or her desired outcomes related to employment, community involvement and membership. Community Participation Support is intended to flexibly wrap around or otherwise support community life secondary to employment as a primary goal. This service involves participation in integrated community settings, in activities that involve persons without disabilities.
"Recognize my disabilities, Emphasize my possibilities." - Unknown
Behavioral supports are offered to individuals that experience behaviors that impede their ability to maintain a healthy and independent life. This service is responsible to identify the function of behaviors impacting the individual’s health and independence along with the development of effective strategies to support positive changes. An effective, comprehensive and thorough Behavior Support Plan is developed with the team and then presented to the team consistently across all programs, natural supports and providers. Behavior support plans are written and reviewed by a Master’s Level Clinician. Continued behavior support is utilized to monitor continued progress, necessary revisions to the plan and ensure consistent implementation of the plan across settings and provider agencies. The primary functions of this service include collection and evaluation of behavioral data, observation of the individual across various settings, collaboration with the individual, family and team members for the purpose of developing a Behavior Support Plan, conducting comprehensive functional assessments of presenting issues, conducting trainings related to the implementation of the behavior support plan, implementation of activities and strategies, monitoring implementation of the plan with revisions as needed, completion of required paperwork related to data collection, progress reporting and development of annual planning material.
Career AssessmentA person-centered, individualized, employment assessment used to assist in the identification of potential career options, including self-employment, based on the interests and strengths of the participant. Career assessment may include discovery activities and may be provided within a variety of settings.
Job CoachingIncludes employer outreach and orientation, job searching, job development, resume preparation and interview assistance. Other activities may include participation in individual planning for employment, development of job-seeking skills, development of job skills specific to a job being sought, job analysis, consulting with the OVR counselor, benefits counseling agencies or Ticket to Work employment networks on behalf of the participant, or self-employment assistance.
Job DevelopmentIncludes employer outreach and orientation, job searching, job development, resume preparation and interview assistance. Other activities may include participation in individual planning for employment, development of job-seeking skills, development of job skills specific to a job being sought, job analysis, consulting with the OVR counselor, benefits counseling agencies or Ticket to Work employment networks on behalf of the participant, or self-employment assistance.
We Promise You the BestCrossRoads guarantees quality supports based on Person Centered & Integrated Principals of program delivery. We give you our word that the program we help you create will intentionally focus on your goals and will be supported by our CrossRoads Team every step of the way.
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